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The addition of historically-appropriate street signage to our neighborhood was one of many projects financed by donations to our organization.

The Broadway Historic District Association is a 501c3 educational non-profit. All donations to the organization are tax deductible and help to ensure the continued revitalization and preservation of our downtown neighborhood. In addition to funding preservation-focused activities such as workshops, Great Unveilings, and historically-appropriate infrastructure improvements, donations also fund social activities that promote a community spirit and improve the quality of life for all residents in the neighborhood.  


Perhaps even more important than monetary donations are donations of time spent volunteering in Broadway. There are many ways to get involved in the neighborhood, including serving on a Committee or the Board, participating in a workshop, joining a neighborhood club, planning a social event, or participating in a the biannual neighborhood cleanups; if you have any interest to get involved or start a new activity please contact the Broadway Board directly.


Finally, if you do choose to donate to or volunteer with the Broadway Historic District Association, please check to see whether your employer provides matching grants to registered 501c3 organizations. Many employers in the Quad Cities encourage volunteerism in their workforce by matching volunteer hours with volunteer grants and matching personal donations dollar-for-dollar up to a specified amount. Please max out these opportunities. 

Donate with PayPal
Donate with PayPal

This Website and its content are copyright of the Broadway Historic District Association | © Broadway Historic District Association, 2019. All Rights Reserved

Webmaster: Broadway Historic District Association

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